Friday 1 June 2012

Chapter 5 - Kenzi & Twins

Kenzi was a weird child he was always talking to himself and never being social with anyone.Shay and Bo just left him to himself because they figure he would grow out of it.
Shay did not know she was pregnant she just thought she was getting fat,being pregnant never crossed her mind.But one day she started getting sharp pains in her tummy but she just thought it would go away later that day.A couple of hours later she realized she was giving birth because her waters broke.Again Bo was a work and missed the birth and Shayli and Kenzi where at school so she had to give birth on her own.She ended up giving birth to twin boys,first came Dylan,he has dark skin and his mums eye colour and his dads hair colour.
Then came Ezra his has random hair colour and his dads eye and skin colour.
Shay does not know if she wants anyone children because she has 4 boys already and she really is craving a girl,so she might just give it one more go just to try and have a girl.

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